We defined complete with Google Adsense!

Parte One

We defined complete with Google Adsense!
I think I'll delete the Google PC and although I liked a lot! I am so angry that they will not imagine! It seems to me that's not so serious as Google appears at first sight. I am beginner and I'm not too good but from my experience I have concluded that they cut the flesh when it comes to pay. Cancel accounts as they please! I do not want no one to hear them!
- How to terminate an AdSense account in their policies are not obliged to tell you why? I do not no how intaleg thing. And I say only, say hundreds of thousands of users of Google. It is enough to give Google search and adsense account set aside to write and find millions of answers. All their laws are written and intalese only them.

We give just one example: Someone said on a forum that had about 800 visitors every day and do nothing without adsense account was canceled and you can make an appeal to do nothing. So they believe are not obliged to tell you why you have canceled your account!
- Does it seem fair?
Personally, not so illiterate as it seems right! For example to me was the same. I tried and I could have some readers when I got to have about 40 visitors per day have my adsense account blocked by reason of improper clicks as they say.
- I ask you, dear reader clicks that is as unfair if I say I do not clearly show who was improper clicks?
I had four blogs in the last 16 months. I tried to do everything well although I'm a beginner. I wanted to make some money with Google AdSense but I never dreamed to get rich, I was aware that there may be no easy way to get money but I wanted to win myself a few hundred euros. I did not cheat anybody, any link I posted what I put my inspiration and not copying, I wrote with my words. 4 blogs yet lost. I am very disappointed by Google AdSense.
I include the players do what they want and that make the difference. I can not try to make my readers and visitors and I announce that undue goole adsense clicks detected and stopped my account without telling me where I wrong or why.
I will continue


Prima Parte

Am terminat definit cu Google Adsense !
Cred ca am sa sterg si google din calculator desi mi-a placut mult ! Sunt atata de suparat pe ei ca nici nu va inchipuiti ! Mie mi se pare ca nu e chiar asa de serios google cum apare la prima vedere. Sunt eu incepator si nu ma prea pricep dar din experienta mea am ajuns la concluzia ca ei taie in carne vie cand e vorba sa plateasca. Anuleaza conturi dupa bunul lor plac ! Eu unul nu mai vreau nici sa aud de ei !
- Cum se poate sa anuleze un cont adsense si in politica lor nu sunt obligati sa-ti spuna de ce ? Eu nu intaleg chestia asta nici cum. Si nu o spun numai eu, o spun sute de mii de utilizatori ai lui google. Este destul sa dai cautare pe google si sa scrii anularea contului adsense si  gasesti milioane de raspunsuri. Toate legile lor sunt scrise si intalese numai de ei.
Va dau doar un exemplu : Cineva spunea pe un forum ca avea aproximativ 800 de vizitatori zilnic si fara sa faca nimic ia fost anulat contul adsense si poti sa faci contestatie ca o faci pe degeaba. Deci ei considera ca nu sunt obligati sa-ti spuna de ce ti-au anulat contul !
- Vi se pare corect ?
Mie personal asa analfabet cum sunt nu mi se pare corect ! De exemplu la mine a fost la fel. M-am straduit si eu sa am cativa cititori si cand am ajuns sa am vreo 40 de vizitatori pe zi mi-au blocat contul adsense pe motivul clicuri necuvenite dupa cum spun ei. 
- Va intreb eu stimati cititori cum adica clicuri necuvenite daca nu-mi spune si nu-mi arata clar care au fost clicurile necuvenite ?
Eu am avut in ultimele 16 luni patru bloguri. M-am straduit sa fac totul bine desi sunt incepator. Mi-am dorit sa fac ceva bani cu google adsense dar nu am visat niciodata sa ma imbogatesc, eram constient ca nu se pot face asa usor bani dar vroiam sa ajung sa castig si eu cateva sute de euro. Nu am copiat pe nimeni, orice am publicat am pus link catre cea ce ma inspirat si nu copiam, scriam cu cuvintele mele. Si totusi 4 bloguri pierdute. Sunt foarte deceptionat de google adsense. 
Cred printre altele ca operatori fac ce vor ei si ca fac si diferenta. Nu se poate sa ma straduiesc sa-mi fac cititori si vizitatori si ma anunte ca goole adsense a detectat clicuri necuvenite si mi-au oprit contul fara sa-mi spuna unde am gresit sau de ce.
Voi continua............

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